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Are you a business leader that is constantly reacting to the priority of the day and hasn’t thought seriously about your company’s valuation?

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If so, you aren’t alone. many of my clients were in that position. With more than 40 years of experience from a Fortune 500 executive to founder and CEO of two 8 figure companies, as well as working with dozens of business owners just like you, I understand the problem, and I know there is a solution.


As a founder and CEO of two companies I was in a position to interact and observe many companies large and small. Since we were essentially outsourcing a segment of their logistics operations, we were able to see the inner workings of these organizations.


All business leaders want the same thing. Repeatable, predictable, profitable growth. To achieve this, you must be able to deliver a quality product or service on-time, at a price that the customer agrees the value exceeds the cost, and do it consistently.


My experience as both a CEO and a coach is that many business leaders are stressed, frustrated, and even questioning themselves. I know from experience I felt that way often. Let’s face it the rewards of running a company can be significant, but the risks are as well. You have a significant portion of your personal wealth tied to the success of your business.


I’ve published two books entitled “Bottom Line Focus” and “Conscious Business Development”. The message of those books is there is no magic bullet. It takes serious commitment and clarity to drive predictable, profitable growth. And it all starts with you!


Your company should always be ready to sell. The ideal time to position your company for sale is 3 to 5 years before your transaction date. But what if you aren’t ready to sell, why should valuation be maximized?


Options! The better your historical performance is, the more options you create for yourself. Marque customers aren’t attracted to companies that aren’t rock solid. Lenders will provide more and better options for growth, and suppliers will look favorably on you when discussing terms. Conversely, there are hidden costs with not being able to provide historical performance, higher prices from suppliers, shorter terms, higher interest rates from lenders, and ultimately a lower valuation at transition.


Ideal prospects include founders, owners, and CEOs of mid-tier manufacturing, service, or logistics companies that are committed to creating lasting value through clarity and consensus. They recognize the need for an experienced unbiased facilitator to draw out underlying confusion and conflict and drive consensus on an executable strategy.


The primary service I provide is a facilitated strategic planning and execution mentorship with an emphasis on action and execution. It’s a three legged stool, Strategy. Execution. Results. The results aren’t sustainable without all of the legs.


Learn more about my primary service here.

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